Patients who require care for a severe, ongoing illness may opt for palliative care. The goal of palliative care is to provide symptom relief and relieve emotional stress. Roundup Memorial Healthcare helps patients, and their families cope with the reality of a serious illness and the burdens it brings on. Many have fears about the future, but our goal is to help keep patients comfortable while improving their quality of life.
While some people use the terms interchangeably, patients in palliative care may still have a curable illness, whereas hospice focuses on providing patient comfort when curative treatment is no longer purposeful. Palliative care may help patients fight their illness as they are better able to cope with pain and other symptoms.
Patients in palliative care will still see their current doctors for illness treatment. The palliative care team will be by your side to help you cope with the stress and limitations of your illness, as well as providing assistance with making difficult medical decisions or weighing the pros and cons of various medical treatments.